Project ANCORA – Counseling and Career Guidance of high school students and students in Romania

„The Career Counseling and Guidance activity is regulated at the legislative level, but this does not represent the guarantor of the functionality and efficiency of career counseling and guidance services in Romanian universities, if you do not have a team of dedicated, experienced specialists to ensure these services.

  At the high school level, this service is almost non-existent, even if a timid approach is tried by the school counselors, but I take it upon myself when I say that they have no experience in counseling and career guidance. I welcome the initiative of some teachers-conductors who organize conducting classes on this topic, inviting specialists with experience in human resources.

  Starting from 2012, we started to focus in a special way on the development needs of teenagers and young students.

  The programs we have developed: Leadership, Time Management, Public Speaking, Communication and Relation in Context, Acting; all this helped them to develop their skills, sharpen their skills and complete their knowledge.

  The Time Coaching sessions we organized helped them identify their weaknesses, validate their strengths and easily identify their solutions to real problems.


Doru Huțuțui – Lecturer, Coach and Founder Affordhire

Our  Career  Counseling and Guidance activity in numbers

As of 2020, as part of a project with European funding, we have the opportunity to carry out Career Counseling and Guidance for 242 students, coming from Universities in Romania:

  •  USAMV Bucharest,
  • Carol I National Defense University,
  • „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University in Iasi,
  • „Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy in Sibiu,
  • Transilvania University in Brașov.

Once again, it is confirmed to us that these young people are in great need of the punctual help of Career Counseling specialists. Some of these students wish this meeting had taken place during their high school years.

The number of students/high school students who should have been counseled from Romania:

  • 2021-2022: 554,000 students
  • 2020-2021: 560,500 students
  • 2019-2020: 543,300 students
  • 2018-2019: 533,700 students
  • 2022-2023: approximately 600 thousand high school students

The general purpose of  the project

Identifying and using resources to guide, train and develop Career Counseling specialists to provide Career Counseling and Guidance sessions to students (14-18 years) and students in Romania.

In the next 3 years we will develop a fleet of 500 specialists.  

  •    30% (next 5 years) of students/parents and students in Romania to participate in at least one information conference about the advantages and benefits of Career Counseling.
  •   15% of pupils and students participating in affordHire conferences in Romania to benefit from a package of three 1:1 Career Counseling sessions.

Are you at the beginning of your career? Are you looking for a new career path?

Career counseling is the answer and the key to the situation you are in now! Career counseling gives you all the tools you need to reach your potential in career development, bringing you the change you need and the balance between your career and personal life.

This process has as its ultimate goal one major goal – change and career guidance, requiring active involvement and continuous effort to strengthen it.

The career counselor will be your mentor and guide throughout this process, helping you set your ultimate goal and supporting you to find the answers and solutions you need.It will give you valuable tips and directions in the process of polishing the professional path in which you are the protagonist!

It will be your bridge to the Employer!

Economic and legislative context

The European Union defines the concept of quality counseling in order to support lifelong learning, inclusion and social equity, mobility and employability, as one of the key components in order to develop a knowledge-based society since 2000, with the launch of the Lisbon Strategy 20102, a concept also emphasized in the Memorandum on Lifelong Learning.

Likewise, the Bologna Process recognizes career counseling and guidance as a defining element in the debates on the social side of education, defined as follows: „The social dimension includes measures adopted by governments to help students, especially those from disadvantaged social groups, as well as to provide orientation and counseling services in order to widen access to higher education

 (Bergen Communiqué, 2005).

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), surprises in one of its most important reports in the field of education and employability since the beginning of the last decade –  From early education to working life – a functional transition„, emphasizes the fact that national and, in the current context, global labor markets are decisive factors that influence the transition from education to the labor market, but also recognizes the fact that correct information and career counseling and guidance are key factors that can influence this transition.

In Romania, the guarantee of career counseling and guidance services for students was introduced for the first time at the national level in the higher education system with Ministerial Order 3235 published on February 10, 2005, which specified that Universities establish counseling and guidance centers in career to support students to make appropriate decisions in structuring their own training trajectory„.

With the National Education Law no. 1/2011, the definition of career counseling and guidance also appears – „Art. 350 – (1) Lifelong career counseling and guidance refers to the totality of services and activities that assist people of any age and at any moment of their existence to make choices in the educational, training or work sphere and to manage their career”.

Also, the law provides for another important aspect related to access to counseling and career guidance services – „Art. 351. — The state ensures free access to counseling and career guidance services for all pupils, students and people looking for a job”.

Analysis of the functioning of counseling and career guidance services

„Even if they are regulated at the legislative level, this does not represent the functionality and efficiency of career counseling and guidance services in all universities in Romania.

Wanting to analyze this aspect, ANOSR sent in January of this year addresses by which it requested Romanian universities, based on law 544/2004 on free access to information of public interest, information about the counseling and career guidance services provided by these.

Although the law obliges the institutions to respond within a maximum of 30 days to these requests, until the date of this analysis (March 10) only 22 universities have responded”.

„By asking universities how many employees have the occupation of psychologist in the specialty of psychological counseling (COR 263402), psychologist in the specialty of psychotherapy (COR 263403) or career counselor (COR 242306), ANOSR found out that the universities have, on average, 1.9 employees per university with these occupations (42 employees in 22 universities).

Of their total number, the percentage of those who are employed full-time is 78.5%, which shows that almost a quarter of them are employed part-time (21.5%).„

Source ANOSR 2014

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