Project ANCORA – About professional counseling process

What is career counseling?

Career counseling and guidance is a process that addresses all aspects of a person’s life, whether we are talking about the professional, personal or social side.

This process is decisive, being the key to discovering the field of the labor market that you fit into, which is of interest to you and for which you have the necessary skills and abilities for the job that suits you.

This process comes as a support for you in making the right decisions, setting clearly defined career goals, preparing your employment portfolio, etc.

What is career counseling? History

Like all complex processes, career counseling has a decisive, important role and a long history, beginning at the end of the 19th century in the United States of America.The views expressed in the speech „Choosing a Vocation” by Frabk Parsons, published in 1909, represent the foundation on which this complex process is built up to the present day, consolidating the defining features of career counseling.

Frank Parsons was constantly concerned with American progressive social reform, assimilating this process to the branch of psychology – career counseling.

The 1970s shape the theorizing of career counseling, being related to indicators such as individual needs, abilities, life concepts and the connection between individual aspirations and career.

In contemporary society, professional development is no longer seen as a smooth, unobstructed or predictable process. More and more, there is an individual determination to bend to societal influences, to adapt to major changes, chance and unplanned events as defining in our careers.

Thus, from this perspective, postmodern career counseling is a reflective process of choosing the individual, being put in the situation of an amalgam of options, however limited by various constraints, which must be analyzed with objectivity and emotional detachment.

How do we identify solutions with the ultimate goal of self-confirming and improving our decision-making capacity? – By actively participating in the counseling and career guidance process.

And yet, the individual struggles in choosing a career with the idea of ​​”I only want to do what I like”, but career counseling prepares you for the major changes in your life that will twist this illusion and help you face a continuous career process.

As a concept originating in the US, career counseling now enjoys global recognition, „as a comprehensive development program aimed at helping people make informed educational and occupational choices that result in social well-being, financial and emotional, throughout life.„

Surprising or not, statistics confirm that a little over 50% of people in the working field enjoy their current job, while the others complain that they got their career wrong, that they can’t find themselves, it doesn’t make them absolutely no pleasure to carry out that activity, being forced to stagnate in that profession only for the source of income and that they need guidance from specialists.

Unfortunately, this lifestyle and behavior hostile to everyday work is a defining element in problems such as depression, anxiety and stress at work.

So, the career counseling process, done correctly and effectively, will have a major and defining impact in these unpleasant situations.

Career counseling. Perspectives.

Identifying a professional path and consolidating it over time is a long and complex process, constantly improving and based on interests, skills, values, personality and personal perspectives.

However, career counseling is the best and most effective method by which you can do a self-analysis and make the right decision regarding your educational path and career.Known as career guidance or professional guidance, counseling plays an important role in making a decision that also influences your personal life, from the choice to the evolution on the labor market.

  Who is the career advisor?

A psychologist specialist, from the field of human resources, an entrepreneur or a professional from a certain sector of activity who will give you the necessary guidance to set and achieve your professional goals.

The role of career counseling

These specialists analyze human behaviors and find the ideal, personalized solutions to direct you correctly, to outline a sustainable strategy for the future, regardless of the changes in society.

The relationship between them and the person who approaches such a counseling program finds its foundation on confidentiality, safety, trust to achieve success and implicitly the final goal.

The goal of the specialists is to find the connection and balance the relationship between the personality, the counselee’s self and the trends of the society, thus to find the effective methods to outline an action plan to access a desired profession.

What makes for effective counseling?

This must come as support in dealing with unpleasant situations and obstacles encountered, perhaps a low level of concentration on the day of the professional interview/examination, perhaps poor time management or problems related to self-confidence and skills, even misunderstandings between children /students/students and parents.

The career guidance specialists will be the ones who will guide you to correctly self-assess yourself from the perspective of your skills, abilities and interests in relation to various fields of activity.

How will you know which field of activity you are best suited to, correctly related to your level of training, skills and abilities? Our specialists are the solution!

Why  you should use career counseling?

Because we will realize the professional path together following a counseling plan adapted to your needs! Here are the advantages we will offer you:

  • We will teach you how to orient yourself towards a defined field or towards a job, even if you don’t know all the information yet or you don’t know if you will cope;
  • We will outline together the strategy you need to approach to reach that area;
  • We will identify and analyze the strong points and the points where you have aspects to improve;
  • You will discover what are the personal development opportunities you need in your professional path;
  • We will outline the steps you need to address in your future career development and continuous professional development strategy;
  • You will learn how to embrace constructive change and how to tackle challenges and obstacles in your career;

You will identify techniques to increase satisfaction in your profession and how to maintain our motivation.

When is career counseling useful?

Career counseling is a useful process that we can all tap into to ensure a successful career path, whether we want to improve our educational strategy or want a job that fits our set of values ​​and skills. There are situations when this process is not only effective, but mandatory!

What is the ideal time in our lives to access such a counseling program?

Starting at the age of 14-18.

Why? Because teenagers, from an emotional, mental and even physical point of view, are in a continuous process of transformation, being the period in which they have to make an important and defining decision regarding their future, or choosing a faculty or a profession. It is a decisive and difficult moment to approach, counseling is useful and important to establish an educational path and when there is doubt regarding the choice of a profession.

Counseling is the link and balance between this time and your child’s prosperous future, and this counseling needs to be pragmatic and individualized based on the young person’s performance and value/skill/aptitude set.

Career counseling is extremely effective even among students regarding the opportunities they have after graduating from the faculty, where they are undecided, and the field studied allows access to several professions.

Moreover, even professionals who want a change in this field can access career counseling and find out the best course of action that suits them.Inability to make decisions is a common problem among alpha students at the beginning of their career, when demotivation, career involution, capping and degradation of mental health can occur, but career counseling is the key to these situations and the motivation you will have part following correct and personalized advice from specialists in your field of activity!

How does career counseling work?

Career counseling is an educational and scientific process based on a well-defined and calculated strategy, which begins with concrete situations and actions, being a set of specialized dialogues with the counselee, analyses, psychological tests, methodical research and identification of professional needs.

This process begins with an analysis of the educational and professional past, an assessment of the professional desires, motivation and opportunities found in the labor market corroborated with the trends and the field that the counselee wishes to approach or in which he is active.

The counselee’s self-analysis consists in solving various tests that highlight character traits, emotional intelligence, the power to adapt and the degree of professional training.

Also, upon request, a profile of the counselee is made through a psychological assessment in order to identify skills, motivation, interests, resources and skills.

Together with the career counseling specialist, the effective methods and action plan will be identified to achieve the professional goals, to overcome conflicting situations and obstacles and to outline the ideal strategy in order to make decisions in the profession.

Benefits of career counseling

Approaching the idea of ​​career path planning, we can either rely on family advice, on their „tradition”, or on your passions and skills. That’s why a career counseling specialist will guide you and give you the best advice to find the right career for you!

Why do you need a specialist?

  • You clarify your goals and the studies you need to follow, which gives you a big picture and makes you accountable!
  • You understand, analyze and have access to the options in the career you want;
  • You identify the strategy that suits you to get access to a job, depending on what the respective employer is looking for;
  • The specialist looks at the situation from the outside and offers you impartial information, advice, in a confidential and safe environment;
  • It teaches you how to analyze your strengths and those that need improvement;
  • You will discover key skills that you must have in relation to the field you want;
  • Together we will train for the interview stage;
  • You will develop your perspectives on the possibilities of practicing in various fields;
  • We establish together the winning strategy of a successful career path;We train you to face the stage of finding a job of your choice.
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